
The Solar Eclipse, Peyote, and Rebirth

Hello dear souls

It’s been a while. I haven’t posted because what’s been happening in me the past six months often hasn’t been able to reach words, at least not for people beyond those right in front of me.

Something about putting words to screen to strangers feels more solid than what’s been wanted, which is to live in and as the ocean of consciousness. Constantly presently and amorphously flowing, feeling, and transforming. Nothing solid to rest on long enough to share.

The usual ‘this is who I am and this is what is now’ would simply be ‘I am nothing and everything and unfolding what that means every day.’ Not very colorful.

I’m starting to land though so this is who I am and what is now.

It’s quite a time to be alive. I vacillate between seeing it as a collective transformation we’re in, and as one journey of the Self that would be my experience regardless of what time I was born.

The former can feel like victim, the latter can feel like ego. Somewhere in the middle is where I try to stand.

The reality in front of me lately though is pervasive transformation. Everyone it seems is going through some major upleveling, some wanted, some not. Some are leaning into it, alchemizing the challenges and loss into growth and new. Others are spiraling in the pain of change and letting go, resisting and grasping.

For me it’s been both. And the resultant growth has been rapid and stunning.

From deepening my partnership, weaving our lives and families. To shifting my source of self-worth as I continue to choose not to work in the conventional sense, shedding old identities and ideas of ‘my purpose’. And most poignantly, to learning what it truly means to be presence, embodying this path in being not just in mind, and why that is truly all that matters.

The upleveling I’m now navigating is in my body. I’ve been dealing with gut issues that nearly consumed my days and mind the past 6 months, making very loud and clear the emotion-gut-brain connection. After trying all the Western tricks, I turned to the East, to Chinese Medicine—Chi Nei Tsang, herbalism, breathwork and natural healing.

At first, I felt the gut problems were my body processing all the life changes. But now, I have a different story. That I’m at last grounded and strong enough to be able to feel what I never could. That the emotions my sensitive being wanted to experience throughout my life are rising to at last be felt. Emotions that I simply couldn’t handle before this path of self-realization. Emotions that now, in the stability of a new home, relationship, self-love and feminine embodiment are bubbling to the surface.

Because of my deep sensitivity, I was in stress response for most of my life, primarily living in the sympathetic nervous system of fight or flight, perpetual survival mode.

This was my body’s way of coping with life, of navigating and being an accepted participant in this world despite my differences.

My relationship with food and my body was one manifestation of that coping. I’ve written about it in the past, so to summarize, it was a life and soul-consuming war with self-rejection and anxiety.

I asked my Chi Nei Tsang teacher how my body digested well back then when I was basically never operating from the ‘rest and digest’ parasympathetic nervous system. His answer—because it had to. This is the power of Earth chi, or the miraculous machine that is our physical body. It shows up for what we need.

At that time, if I added debilitating gut issues to my list of struggles, I wouldn’t have survived. There was no space to deal with that.

But, of course, the accumulated emotion doesn’t just go away with compartmentalization and distraction. It must, when one is ready and ripe for it, be felt to be released.

In Chi Nei Tsang, it’s believed that emotions need to be digested just like food. And when they aren’t, they’re stored in the body, wreaking havoc on the health, and often gut, over time. This builds until either the symptoms become unignorable, or one cultivates space to feel, release, and heal.

The snake has been a persistent symbol coming in lately. Every time I close my eyes, I have slides of archetypal visions.

Two coiling snakes forming the DNA helix. Or one slithering upward in turns like the Tantric kundalini energy, a sun crown of gems at its head. Or a strong, calm, beautiful woman with a knowing smile lying relaxed across a throne made of Earth, a big anaconda wrapped around her arm and body.

I’m having a diamond serpent ring made in honor of this, an amulet marking a new and important stage of my path.

The symbolism is clear—shedding. That’s what I’ve been doing. Shedding old emotions, stories, identities, and patterns. Any and everything I hold in my body and mind from where I’ve been that doesn’t serve where I’m going.

Shedding’s what I’ve been doing since this all started in 2018 with my first guided Bufo journey, but something deeper has opened in the past six months.

Life brings you what you’re ready for. 2 years ago when Raf, my Vedic astrologer, said to me that I was about to embark on a 2.5-year journey of extremely hard work, I ended that Zoom call resolved and braced for the kind of hard work I’d always known—external. Career-building work. Running faster on the matrix’s hamster wheel work.

It started that way.

Trying to show up dutifully for the task of the stars Raf apologetically but bluntly relayed to me, I doubled down on my mission to build the organization that’d awaken entrepreneurs. That’d raise millions, invest in heart-centered founders, and help them change the world.

I won’t reiterate the labyrinth this took me down, but the point is the hard work wasn’t external. It wasn’t AWA.

It was internal. It was Self. To a depth I couldn’t have imagined when first hearing Raf’s prophecy. To an intensity I couldn’t have handled at the time.

Life brings you what you can handle, when you can handle it. The truth of divine timing has been both an infuriating and glorious realization for me since then.

The next two years became a slow unfolding of the layers of the true hard work I was set out for, each at a time I was ready. A flower of infinite petals gently blossoming open.

And the past 6 months have been some sort of culmination.

This Monday was the peak of that culmination. The total solar eclipse.

Caesar and I traveled to Mazatlán, one of the towns on the eclipse’s path, to see it. We joined Aniwa, a medicine group based there with whom I sat in 2021, for two overnight Peyote ceremonies, the second leading into the eclipse on Monday morning.

I couldn’t have anticipated the quantum leap in consciousness from that experience. Sitting hand in hand with my beloved on the red dirt of Aniwa’s land in remote western Mexico, amidst rolling hills of dry brush and 300-year-old cacti, under a bright morning Sun slowly consumed by the dark Moon, the fruit of my soul work from the past 3 years sprouted forth.

The indigenous myth of eclipses is the masculine, Sun, merging with the feminine, Moon. The feminine overcomes his light, bringing darkness to the world below, unveiling what’s hidden in the shadows before allowing light to return. A process that brings a form of death and rebirth to beings along its path.

At 11 am, an hour after the eclipse began and the Peyote ceremony circle closed, and just as the moon began to fully embrace the Sun, I watched the ring of fire and I merged with it.

I felt it as a portal to a new life and being. I felt my past and identity disintegrate into the disappearing solar flames. I felt the stuck emotions and dis-ease in my midbody soften. I felt fears that I both knew and didn’t know rise and express themselves to Caesar through my voice and tears.

A catharsis. A release. A final letting go. I felt a huge space open in its place. Space for my truest self—unapologetic, free, and alive. To never again be smothered or shapeshifted. Space for Caesar and our love. Finally surrendering and opening to the love I always dreamed of. Knowing I deserve it. Knowing it’s my birthright. An unconditional, eternal, infinite love that is a mirror of what’s within me.

We cried and held one another and watched with awe and reverence at this cosmic phenomenon happening both in the sky and within us.

Thank you Mexico, thank you Father Sun and Sky, Mother Moon and Earth. Thank you Peyote medicina. Thank you Aniwa. Here we are, and on it goes.

This is what’s came through in support of this flowering since I last posted,

What I’m reading

Pussy: A Reclamation

Tantric quest

Orgasmic Birth

Gene Keys

The Dance of the Dissident Daughter

The Prophet (again)

Between Heaven and Earth

What I’m watching

Richard Rudd

Blu of Earth

The play of life

What I’m contemplating

Worth is not given, it’s claimed.

It is not necessary to talk about revelation. Be it.

Imagine if we created an environment based on beauty relaxation and creativity. Richard Rudd

Your vibrational state is your contribution to the collective. Peter Crone

Enlightenment is when the expression of love supersedes the seeking for truth. Robert Grant

When the winds of change blow, some people build walls, others build windmills. Chinese proverb

Simplicity. Patience. Compassion.

You cannot travel the path until you have become the path yourself

Whether we experience what happens to us as an obstacle and enemy or as a teacher and friend depends entirely on our perception of reality. It depends on our relationship to ourselves. Pema Chödrön

So now you identify yourself with the eternal that is within you and within all things. It doesn’t mean you want to see the atom bomb come, but you don’t spend your time worrying about it. Joseph Campbell

Hence, the traditional magician or medicine person functions primarily as an intermediary between human and nonhuman worlds, and only secondarily as a healer. Without a continually adjusted awareness of the relative balance or imbalance between the human group and its nonhuman environ, along with the skills necessary to modulate that primary relation, any “healer” is worthless—indeed, not a healer at all.

The most sophisticated definition of “magic” is “the ability or power to alter one’s consciousness at will.”

Often wrong but never in doubt.

I think you know how to love better than any of us. That’s why you find it all so painful. Fleabag

To heal is to touch with love what we previously touched with fear. Stephen Levine

Accept it, leave it, or change it. Eckhart Tolle

The day you stop racing is the day you win the race. Bob Marley

If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it’s still a foolish thing. Bertrand Russell

The best work that anyone ever writes is the work that is on the verge of embarrassing him. Always.

The truth will set you free…but not until it is finished with you. David Foster Wallace

One day I will find the right words and they will be simple. Jack Kerouac

What I’m listening to

Chantress Seba

Medicine Music

Persian Rose

What I’m using

Chinese Medicine herbs, Evergreen

Abalone Medicine sleep tincture

Blue Willow tea

Lava Love cacao

AYA Sacred Wear silk kimonos

Logan Hollowell

Coming Home To Now

I’m sitting on the deck of my childhood home, resting in the sun while I watch two landscapers work on the oak tree I loved to climb as a kid, trimming and pruning it as they do every Spring. My dad’s cat scratches at the screen door to my left, leaping to every chainsaw pull and fallen branch. Despite this moment’s noise, this home is a source of stillness and calm for me. A small town in a small state, Davidsonville, Maryland is a place of woods between spacious grassy land, farms, horses, U-pick fields, and windy back roads for windows down and music up, with distinct seasons, changing trees and weather, simple living and low expectations.

It’s a place that I once ran from, and now return to with a sigh and fall to the Earth, melting back into the calm the thick cool grass brings to my skin and nervous system. A place that holds countless memories, and all the energies of past selves who created them. These used to feel heavy, not anymore. I feel them all moving across this land, up its trees, and through the hallways like ghosts reminding me from where I come but need not return. Need not hold anymore. I remember but I don’t hold, letting the memories wash through as I stand slippery and hollow, no longer carried away by their pull. I don’t feel the sadness of time like before. The longing for the simple days, the pushing away of the misaligned identities lived, or the pulling to return to their illusory security. I look as I try to look in all my life now. As a curious, engaged, and grateful observer that knows a new truth and a new way of living it.

This truth has become my anchor, steadying me to a deeper knowing when I enter places and relationships heavy with the residue of the past, threatening to pull me back to its old patterns. This truth has become my everything. My guiding light in this confusing chaotic world and human experience. And it didn’t come easily. I’m forever grateful for the nameless grace that steered me towards it before I knew it existed or was needed. The grace that brought me the suffering needed to push me within, bringing me to meditation and plant medicine and inner work in order to transcend it, and in the process, find this truth.

I am the awareness of this moment. My greatest power, wisdom, and clarity lies here, in this moment. Who I am is not a name or a log of past memories, who I am is the ever-changing alive consciousness that is experiencing and living life, here and now.

When I know and live by this truth, I am hooked up to the boundless source of all life and the pure bliss, love, and peace that is its essence. Here, my wisdom is that of the universe, my rhythms are that of Mother Earth, and my actions are that of Spirit. All of which far surpass the smallness of my ego mind—the one that said I’m Kori, I live in SF, I grew up in Davidsonville, this is my family, this is my work, this is what I’ve done, this is what I like and don’t like etc etc. All those things are still in me, are important to me, but the anchor I live with now is knowing they aren’t me. These are what Eckhart Tolle calls your ‘life situation’, not your life. I am life, you are life, this is life, right here and right now as present moment awareness.

The more we let our life situation shade our life, the more limited and heavy our existence becomes, moving within the bounds of what has been vs. what could be. Moving according to the mind’s memory of what’s possible vs. the soul’s will.

I think the force that has driven me for the past 5 years is this knowing. Knowing there was something within that had a reason-for-being, something that had far greater power and wisdom for actualizing it. And wow what a journey to find something so close. It’s right here. In this moment. Hidden under the layers and layers of conditioning that shade the true reality. Conditioning inherited genetically, environmentally, and experientially. All living in the mind and veiling my awareness from experiencing the present as it is. That was the hard part, facing and releasing these layers. Because oh how sneaky they are.

The mind is like an overused ski slope, thoughts and their reactive behavior patterns are the runs in the snow made deeper over time. The deeper the runs, the more automatic and quick we are to return to them and move according to their edges. So the ones from childhood or worse, inherited genetically, are the toughest to see and step out of and also most vital to face in order to break the cycle of ancestral traumas.

This is what makes the spiritual path so jarring at first, especially when working with psychedelics. Psychedelic medicine, specifically Ayahuasca and mushrooms in my experience, are like a fresh powder of snow. A journey can bring the experience of the pure unconditioned consciousness, a taste of true life, and therefore, connection to your soul’s will or inner truth. For someone who only lived according to the edges of their inherited and conditioned ski runs—choosing a career their parents expected, or marriage they witnessed in their culture, or belief system passed down for generations—this experience brings a shocking wake-up call. Seeing your truth so purely also means seeing all the ways you’re living misaligned to it. Seeing the relationships, the home, the work, the habits, that are keeping you from the bliss, peace, and love that come from that truth.

I write this 5 days post one of my most potent Ayahuasca ceremonies, my first time sitting with an Indigenous tribe straight from the Amazon, the Yawanawa. The reflection came to mind as I remembered past visits to my childhood home between chapters of deep inner work along this path. Landing back in the environment and family that only knew past versions of myself—the veiled and limited self—was a great test over and over to stay with the renewed truth I had discovered vs. snap back into old patterns. A great test of whether I’d let the beautiful new insights, energies, ecstatic emotions and aliveness weave and integrate within and without, or disintegrate to dust, chalking it up as an irresponsible dream, impossible fantasy, unreasonable phantasmagoria.

I didn’t always pass this test. There were times when it’d be two steps forward, one tentative step back. I’d return to my childhood home, hear my dad ask ‘What are you doing with your life?’ and I’d snap back to fear and doubt, return to my ‘secure’ patterns of working more and harder in a career that exhausted me. This is the labyrinth. The mandala. It’s not a straight path. These patterns are deep and ingrained, it takes facing this test repeatedly and beginning to make smaller steps back, seeing the impossible fantasy as instead a possible life situation. Seeing that bliss, peace, and love are actually always available within, and the medicine journeys simply help show me the life situation that would bring them to the surface.

It takes courage. It takes trust. It takes witnessing for myself that these old patterns survive off of fear, and diminish in love, then choosing love over and over. It takes listening to the truth revealed in these journeys, and changing my life to align to it. Shedding or changing misaligned relationships, work, habits, and thoughts that’d keep me stuck in the same limited, repeating paths. A process that begins with much resistance, but with consistency and devotion, soon flows with the ease of skis on a fresh powder of snow.

Remember my resistance from my last integration post: The Dark Side Of Integration. This was my wake-up call moment. And what followed was two years of shedding and changing my life situation to align more with the truths I’d been shown. Now, landing back from journeys is smoother. The truths revealed are less jarring, more in alignment with the path I’m on, they steer me vs. derail me.

So today, I’m able to only take the steps forward. I’m able to receive and integrate the downloads that came from Grandmother Aya, while enjoying the simple beauty, calm, and groundedness that is this home and this family when experienced in pure, unveiled presence. I’m able to accept my dad and his state of consciousness, knowing it’s simply the ski runs from his parents and theirs too. I’m able to receive the words flowing from my heart to this screen. To feel the Spring sun and shade of its blooming trees. Hear the morning birds, smell the fresh-cut grass and taste the sweet honeysuckles. I’m able to quiet the mind pulls to old ways, and choose now. To choose life.